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Cities Without Make-up 


Postcard Krakow:


The Old Town makes Krakow a viable contender for Best Looking Polish City- complete with bugle melodies trumpeted hourly from St Marys tower. 

Known on the big screen as the set for Schindlers List 

And word quickly spreads about the nightlife that the Kazimierz neighborhood has to offer: drink up.   




You can't begin to understand the layers of Krakows history unless you know they're there. You owe it to this city, you can't leave Krakow until you can separate the Schindlers Factory fact from Hollywood Fiction and you've seen Stalins Utopia, straight from the Socialist imagination; the suburb of  Nowa Huta- one of the few places it actually exists. 

There is no such thing as "Excessive Krakow". 


Score/5:  ♥♥♥♥♥


....and off the beaten track


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